This page shows the accessibility of various commidities in Los Angeles via public transportation networks. Click on the map to calculate the number of amenities in the area based on roughly estimated travel time*. Additional layers can be expossed from the control in the top-right of the map. Clicking on an ameities icon while display a popup with details about that amenity.
*Travel times assume a uniform travel speed of 800 meters/min (~30 mph). The network topology assumes that buses can stop at any node, can turn in any direction, are available on demand and can travel in any direction along the route. Additionally there is no cosideration taken for a person's ability to walk from places along the network route.
An alpha shape polygon would be a more accurate representation of travel times than a concave hull because it allows for "holes" inside of the geometry. I stuck with the concave hulls because in my testing of the pgRouting alphaShape function requires a spoon_radius variable that requires a lot of manual tweaking in order to get a decent polygon, which is not very useful when fetching polygons that could be of any variable size.
A more accurate representation of areas accessible via bus transportation would likely draw a disolved buffer around the bus stops, based on how long it would take to reach the stop (i.e. if a bus ride took 3 minutes, a buffer of 2 minutes walking would represent the "5 minute" accessible area). Overall the network topology would require a lot more work in order to make it accurate, as such it should be taken as a proof of concept and not used as an actual measurment.
This application could be expanded further by providing a list of amenities within the travel area, rather than just a count. The OSM data is currently only a snapshot of the data as it existed in August 2021, it would likely be useful to automate pulling in new/edited OSM in some form. It would also easily be possible to extend the map by including more categories of amenities or by including the entire LA county area.